Procedure of Coffee Machine Full Service
The full service is a major maintenance procedure which involves taking the machine fully apart, inspecting all elements, looking for excessive deterioration and malfunction, cleaning out the water system, replacing worn out, broken parts (spare parts are not included in the full service, they are separate entity on our estimates) and all major gaskets and finally lubricating all moving components.
It is very important to carry out a full service on all kind of domestic coffee makers every 3-4 years time.
The full service includes the followings:
- - Disassembling the coffee maker into pieces,
- - Cleaning out the water system
- - Replacing all major gaskets inside the coffee maker
- - Lubricating all moving components
- - Labour
- At Inspection we take the machine into pieces and examine every single part looking for excessive deterioration and malfunction. On this page we demonstrate the full service in pictures on a Gaggia Classic and a Gaggia Titanium.

- If any part found worn out to the limit that could cause a malfunction in the near future, we would also include them along with faulty parts in our estimate and express our concerns about it.
Here are some pictures of the most common faulty parts
This is a pitted boiler which needs replacing. Continuous use of this part would get the machine (or the solenoid valve) blocked soon.

This steam valve has been leaking for a while. The leak would cause electrical malfunctions.

This pump has a broken spring which has a knock on effect on the pressure. Continuous use of this part would prevent the machine from building up the required 9 bar to make an espresso.

This flat surface of the bottom of the boiler needs sanding evenly before the new boiler gasket installed. Without sanding the surface the boiler would leak.

- There are some parts in every coffee machine which cannot be cleaned by regular maintenance procedures such as descaling, back flushing etc. These bits still need to be cleaned from time to time, our full service procedure include cleaning them and all other parts in your coffee maker.
- Gaskets are also important to replace. They are better to be replaced when they are still in acceptable condition than started failing already. Some requires attention every 1-2 years because of every day`s friction they receive, others can last longer. In normal, domestic circumstances you would only need to replace them every 3-4 years time.
The gaskets became too firm, not too long before they start leaking. Some might have been leaking already for sometime under pressure.

- Lubrication is essential to keep your coffee maker working. Apart from the brew unit, which you need to lubricate every 6 months or after 500 cups made whichever comes first, there are other parts such as the gearbox (automatic coffee machines only) mechanism that needs lubrication every now and again.